October, 30
« October, 29 | October, 31 »
October 30 is the 303th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (304th if leap year). It 62 days before the end of the year.
There is no celebration for this day!
Orson Welles radio hoax
(October, 30 1938)The radio adaptation of the novel by science fiction of HG Wells "War of the Worlds" monster causes panic in the United States.The issue of broadcast by CBS at the end of the day, thousands of Americans will run away from them think that the Martians attack Earth.
There is no saying for this day!
Sign of the Zodiac: 8th day of the astrological sign of Scorpio.
Last events added
- Discovery of two new natural satellites for Saturn - August, 16 2004
- Nagasaki atomic bombings - August, 9 1945
- Madagascar becomes a French colony - August, 6 1896
- Atomic bombing of Hiroshima - August, 6 1945
- Explosions at the Port of Beirut - August, 4 2020