March 12 is the 71th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (72th if leap year). It 294 days before the end of the year.
There is no celebration for this day!
Beginning of the "salt march" Gandhi
(March, 12 1930)Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi walked 386 km to wrest independence from the British in India.The "salt march" is regarded by Indians as the equivalent of the "Tea Party" in Boston déclancha the start of the revolt against the English which led to the independence of the United States.
There is no saying for this day!
Sign of the Zodiac: 21th day of the astrological sign of Pisces.
Last events added
- Discovery of two new natural satellites for Saturn - August, 16 2004
- Nagasaki atomic bombings - August, 9 1945
- Madagascar becomes a French colony - August, 6 1896
- Atomic bombing of Hiroshima - August, 6 1945
- Explosions at the Port of Beirut - August, 4 2020