July, 3

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July 3 is the 184th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (185th if leap year). It 181 days before the end of the year.


There is no celebration for this day!


Theatrical release of Back to the Future

(July, 3 1985)
The first film of the trilogy comes out in theaters.The crazy Emmett Brown (Lathrop Emmett "Doc" Brown) is developing a machine to travel back in time from a DeLorean.Marty McFly (Martin "Marty" McFly) will have to successfully back in 1955 when it was sent.  

Death of Jim Morrison

(July, 3 1971)
James Douglas Morrison, lead singer of the group "The Doors", died in Paris in his bath at the age of 28 years.

Foundation of Quebec City

(July, 3 1608)
The French explorer Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec City in Canada. The city became the capital of New France.


There is no saying for this day!


Sign of the Zodiac: 12th day of the astrological sign of Cancer.