February, 11

February 11 is the 42th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It 323 days before the end of the year (324 jours si année bissextile).


There is no celebration for this day!


Pope Benoît XVI renounces his pontificate

(February, 11 2013)
A 85-year-old Benedict acknowledged "no longer have the strength" necessary. His resignation will be effective February 28, 2013.

Death of Whitney Houston

(February, 11 2012)
The American singer and actress was pronounced dead at 15:55 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel (a hotel in Beverly Hills). She was 48.

Freedom for Nelson Mandela

(February, 11 1990)
Under President Frederik de Klerk, after 27 years in prison to prison in Paarl, Nelson Mandela was freed.

Ayatollah Khomeini took power in Iran.

(February, 11 1979)

Birth of Sarah Palin

(February, 11 1964)
Sarah Louise Heath, born February 11, 19,642 in Sandpoint, Idaho, is an American politician, member of the Republican Party.She was the running mate of John McCain in the U.S. presidential election of 2008.

Washington illuminated with coal gas

(February, 11 1854)
For the first time in the United States, Washington's main streets are lit with coal gas.

Birth of Thomas Edison

(February, 11 1847)
Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. It remains one of the greatest inventors of all time (1093 patents).He founded the company General Electric.


There is no saying for this day!


Sign of the Zodiac: 22th day of the astrological sign of Aquarius.