August, 15
« August, 14 | August, 16 »
August 15 is the 227th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (228th if leap year). It 138 days before the end of the year.
There is no celebration for this day!
The signal « Wow! »
(August, 15 1977)A seventy-second signal is picked up by Ohio State University radio telescope, known as "The Big Ear," between 10:15 pm and 10:16 pm (local time) . This radio telescope has been used for 4 years by the SETI project in order to detect extraterrestrial signals. But it was only four days later that ...
Start the Woodstock festival in the U.S.
(August, 15 1969)The festival will run from August 15 to 18, 1969 and host over 500,000 spectators.
Inauguration of the Panama Canal
(August, 15 1914)The canal was completed and opened August 15, 1914. It connects the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean across Central America.
There is no saying for this day!
Sign of the Zodiac: 25th day of the astrological sign of Leo.
Last events added
- Discovery of two new natural satellites for Saturn - August, 16 2004
- Nagasaki atomic bombings - August, 9 1945
- Madagascar becomes a French colony - August, 6 1896
- Atomic bombing of Hiroshima - August, 6 1945
- Explosions at the Port of Beirut - August, 4 2020