April, 22

April 22 is the 112th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (113th if leap year). It 253 days before the end of the year.


International Earth Day

First celebrated on April 22, 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson who encouraged students to raise environmental awareness in their communities. Earth Day marks the yearly anniversary of the birth of the most important environmental movement on the planet.


The Portuguese settle in Brazil

(April, 22 1500)
Following a course error, thirteen Portuguese caravels arrive in sight of unknown coasts in the southwest of the Atlantic Ocean. Pedro Álvares Cabral and his 1200 men have just discovered what will become Brazil, the main colony of Portugal.


There is no saying for this day!


Sign of the Zodiac: 2th day of the astrological sign of Taurus.